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  • Brian

    Every Monday morning at Wunjo Guitars, a long queue of sales representatives from some of the biggest musical instrument companies in the world trails through the shop and up the workshop bench to find Brian. More often than not, Brian is having a jolly chat with one of our many dear customers. A chat about guitars, golf, the plight of Glasgow Rangers Football Club, or anything else that that particular dear customer may wish to muse upon. Wunjo Guitars exists because of this man, and it has become his labour of love. Years of graft have given way to an enduring passion for the things we spend all our days talking about, lusting over and dreaming of. Brian's philosophy has never wavered: if you see it in our shop, then have a play on it! Guitars are there to be played, and it will always be our way here at Wunjo. Once finished putting the world to rights with the customers, setting up a host of our warranty instruments and maybe offering a couple of sweet deals along the way, Brian breezes out of the shop, affording a casual nod to the winding queue of sales reps, and heads to the golf course to enjoy the spoils of being the founder of the world's coolest guitar shop.

  • Tom H

    ‘Well, let’s start from the beginning…’ The man who's hair and beard somehow remain precisely the same length day in day out, Tom 'Mr Minkley' Hinkley, is one of the long standing members of the Wunjo family and has been at the forefront of making one of the finest bass guitar shops in the world since its inauguration to Wunjo in 2012. Having read several panflets on Buddism, Tom is always here to provide calm, honest and well rounded advice. And Tom is most certainly an excellent musician too, Having spent a small fortune on mail-order jazz chords over the years, he's got as many excellent recordings, sessions and gigs under his belt as he does days at the helm of our bass shop. With a great eye for stunning vintage bass (see Wunjo Bass's Instagram feed). So he's earned the long hair, and indeed, the beard.

  • Marc

    Marc, who, as you can see, has completed a course on 'how to pose for an effective/moody band photo', does not know how to look uncool. He has tried desperately over the years, wearing his wife’s cardigans (nope, that's technically still cool), refusing to shave (now they're all doing it), and even trying to throw in a bit of classic double-denim (would you believe, it's now back in), but all to no avail. In one desperate attempt to shake off this burden of coolness, Marc tried to work less hours at Wunjo and become a DJ in Ibiza, but we weren't having any of it. Now he's back to a regular gig here, just like the old days, spreading his knowledge and friendly vibes across both our electric and acoustic departments. I say the old days, Marc is one of our longest serving members of staff, putting him firmly in the frame for the tag of 'part of the furniture'. He'll probably be here when he starts going grey and wrinkly, sort of like the Keith Richards of music retail. So, is that still...? Yeah, sorry dude, probably still cool.

  • Annie

    Underestimate Annie at your peril, this flower child has worked at Wunjo’s since we used our time machine to pluck her out of the 1970s. Dungarees and a 1964 Gibson Country & Western are Annie’s usual attire, although you can sometimes find her in a stylish Ovation hoodie. She is not the daughter of the owner or the girlfriend of the manager, Annie may be sweet but has more chops than the Flat Iron. Our specialist in everything - mostly if they have Bigsby’s or were played by Neil Young - Annie has got her gun and is not afraid to use it. That being said, the sweetest member of Sweet Giant, Annie will know exactly what guitar you need from a quarter mile.

  • Tom B

    Tom is youngest member of the Wunjo family, though his technical knowledge of fretboard radius and cockney-geezer rhyming slang may lead you to believe otherwise - a ‘teenage’ grunger with the mind of a 60 year old amp technician. Tom keeps us on up to date on what pedals and brands are ‘on trend’ with the kids, and can answer the most niche questions on product specs and what order to put your boutique pedals in. Before Wunjo, Tom attended charm school, but didn’t make graduation… lucky for us or else he’d probably be making demo videos for our online chain competitors.

  • Gus

    Gus is a law abiding citizen. This is only made possible by the fact that short-shorts and listening to Coldplay isn’t yet illegal. His moustache coupled with wavy shoulder length locks and a fringe gives him the look of a man who knows his way round a Shoreditch pub or two, but fortunately for us he also knows a thing or two about musical equipment. Gus has worked his customer service magic across all departments of Wunjo over the years and now resides in the office, where he handles all the behind the scenes wizardry that helps Wunjo tick. His meticulous approach and attention to detail ensure you will receive the best online or over-the-phone retail experience or, if you're one of the lucky ones, you may bump into him in the shop ‘’Hey Buddy, how can I help you?”…